Twin brothers brave extreme Prairie cold to spend weekend in homestead shack they built

Two twin brothers named "Tyler" and "Tracy" spent the last week in the cabin they built in the city of Winnipeg, Canada, in the extreme cold of the plains. to spend the weekend in a cottage they built in the suburbs of the city.

The cottage of these two brothers is built and has one bedroom, one kitchen and one bathroom. This cottage is not connected to any electricity or city water source and the twin brothers meet all their needs through natural resources.

Tyler and Tracy say that the extreme cold of the plains was a big challenge for them. They say that the weather at night reached minus 40 degrees Celsius and they should use warm clothes and heating devices.

However, the two brothers say experiencing life in nature and spending the weekend at their cabin was a lot of fun for them. They say that this experience helped them appreciate life and natural blessings more.

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