Hot heat and fire danger in some areas of Canada

The summer forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology released on Wednesday shows that Canada will see a hot summer over the next three months. According to the forecast, Ontario and Quebec will experience periods of cool weather in June, but the heat will eventually return. will increase and we will experience a "very hot and humid" summer. Summer will be very hot in July and August and this heat will continue even until September.

Canadians in the Atlantic provinces will see similarly warm weather, with heat expected to peak in July and August.

In northern Canada, the region will struggle with wildfires and poor air quality as western Nunavut and the Northwest Territories face hot summers and dry conditions.

There will also be fires and smoke hazards in the prairie provinces. Drought is a major concern in these areas, and a very hot summer is expected in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

However, Alberta and British Columbia will see a "normal" summer. Although dry periods are forecast for British Columbia, scattered showers and thunderstorms will be more frequent and widespread than in previous years.

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