Rough play led to Baffin the polar bear’s drowning death, Calgary Zoo officials say

Polar bear death: A polar bear named Baffin drowned at the Calgary Zoo after a rough play with another polar bear.
Cause of Death: An autopsy revealed that Baffin drowned from a neck injury sustained while playing with another polar bear.
Natural play: This type of play is natural for polar bears.
News details:

Rough Play: Two polar bears, Cicco and Baffin, were playing in a pool when Baffin went under the water and never reappeared.
Fatal Injury: An autopsy revealed that Baffin drowned due to a neck injury sustained while playing with Siko.
Natural play: This type of play is natural for polar bears and usually does not result in injury.

Baffin's death was a tragic incident that shows that even in controlled environments like zoos, the unexpected can happen.
The incident is also a reminder that wild animals, even in captive environments, retain their natural behavior.

Animal Care: Zoos must take necessary measures for the safety of animals.
Public education: Increasing public awareness about wild animal behavior can help prevent similar incidents

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