Solar eclipses will be very rare
A rare total solar eclipse in April 2024 will darken the North American sky, giving you a chance to view a fascinating celestial event in Ontario. On April 8, 2024, the Moon will be between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun's light, creating sunset-like conditions in the middle of the day. According to NASA, solar eclipses occur approximately two to four times a year, although the possibility It is very rare to see these events.
Fortunately, many residents of southern Ontario are in a prime location and will be able to see the total eclipse around 3:20pm on April 8. Total eclipse in 10 minutes from Port Dover, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls , Prince Edward County and Kingston. The last time a total eclipse darkened Ontario was on February 26, 1979; when parts of northern Ontario briefly went dark. Experts warn not to look directly at the sun without wearing eye protection.
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