The increase of an insect with a painful bite and a scary name in Ontario 2024

An insect called the masked predator (Reduvius personatus) can use its surroundings for camouflage. Although this species is native to Europe, it accidentally entered North America, where it has now spread over most of Canada, the eastern and central United States, as well as parts of the northwest, but Ontario has become the main focus of these insects.

Baby masked raptors are scarier than adults because of their ability to camouflage. They build two layers of camouflage out of dirt, sand and anything else they can find to hide themselves from predators.

Ontario has become one of the continent's hottest spots for masked predators. More worryingly, reports of people being bitten by these insects have increased in recent years.

The masked hunter's defense tool is similar to a bee sting and its swelling lasts up to a week.

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