Automatic vehicle license plate renewals in Ontario take effect on Canada Day

According to the Ontario government, starting July 1, 2024, license plates will be automatically renewed in this province. This means that drivers no longer need to visit service offices or take online steps to renew their license plates.

The new program covers passenger vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds and light commercial vehicles. To be eligible for automatic renewal, drivers must meet the following requirements:

Have a valid technical examination
Do not have any outstanding fines or fees
Their car insurance is valid
Automatic license plate renewals will begin on July 1, which is Canada's national day. At that time, eligible license plates will be automatically renewed and the renewal fee will be deducted from the driver's bank account on file.

Drivers who are not eligible for automatic renewal will receive a notice by mail. They must go to the service offices in person or apply online to renew their license plates.

This new program aims to simplify the license plate renewal process and reduce the workload of service offices. This is expected to benefit drivers and help them save time and money.

Here are some key points about automatic license plate renewal in Ontario:

This program will start on July 1, 2024.
It includes passenger vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds and light commercial vehicles.
Drivers must have a valid MOT, no fines or arrears and valid car insurance.
The renewal fee is automatically deducted from the driver's bank account.
Drivers who are not eligible for automatic renewal will receive a notice by mail.
For more information about automatic license plate renewal, you can visit this website.

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