People's anger at "Doug Ford" after the release of a video related to the online map of alcohol sales

Doug Ford released a video on Monday instructing people on how and where to buy alcohol during the LCBO workers' strike, sparking outrage at Ontario's premier. Ford, wearing an apron, Standing next to a Canadian flag, he proudly shared the news of a new map created by the provincial government to teach people where they can buy alcohol.

But behind the scenes of the video, barbecues and cans of liquor can be seen, which critics have called another calculated move by Ford to undermine the LCBO and the premier's move to sell alcohol to all licensed stores and grocers across the province. It will be interpreted until the end of October 2024.

The new map, which shows shoppers where to find beer or other alcohol stores, was released on the fourth day of a strike by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), which represents 10,000 LCBO workers.

In this regard, one person responded to Ford's video, calling it disgusting and sharing a video of a worker on strike.

However, it seems that in addition to the opponents of this plan, many others support Ford's new plan.

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