One million people booked for flu and covid-19 vaccinations in Quebec )
Christine Dubé, Quebec's Minister of Health, announced on her Twitter account that approximately one million residents of Quebec have registered for vaccination against influenza and COVID-19. Of this number, approximately 19% have registered for the COVID-19 vaccine, 21% for the influenza vaccine, and 60% for both vaccines. The Health Minister called on the public to register for vaccination, emphasizing that this universal effort will have a positive impact on preventing the spread of these diseases during the winter season.
Vaccination is particularly recommended for individuals over 60 years of age, pregnant individuals, and those with chronic illnesses. Every year, millions of Canadians receive the influenza vaccine as the cold season begins, and now the COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the mix following the COVID-19 pandemic. In some provinces in Canada, the influenza vaccine is available for certain groups of people or even free for everyone.
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