Discover more than a thousand cars and arrest more than 200 people in Toronto
The Toronto police have announced that during their investigations into car thefts across Toronto, more than a thousand vehicles have been recovered, and over 200 individuals have been arrested. This operation, known as "Project Stallion," commenced in November 2022 and concluded in September 2023.
During this period, over a thousand vehicles with an estimated value of around $60 million were recovered, and criminal charges were filed against 228 individuals. According to the police, in 2023 to date, fewer than a thousand vehicles have been stolen in Toronto, while over 3,500 vehicles were stolen during the course of Project Stallion.
The Chief of the Toronto Police has stated that car thefts in Toronto have doubled since 2019, and this is considered a significant issue in the city and the greater Toronto metropolitn area.
Authorities recommend taking measures to reduce car thefts, such as storing the FOB key in a secure container, locking doors, rolling up windows, and parking vehicles in well-lit areas.
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