2024 is a leap year

Leap years are fun for mathematicians and of course for us. It's always fascinating to look at some of the numbers, history and legends behind this phenomenon, which adds a day to February every four years, making it 29 days.

According to experts, the complete rotation of the earth around the sun is about 365 days and six hours. Because six hours are not included in the calendar, problems arise. In ancient times, these six hours were ignored, and this created other problems.

In these four years, four to six hours are calculated, which becomes twenty-four hours or a full day and night, and one day is added to the month, and the year becomes 366 days instead of 365 days.

According to the predictions, the next leap years are 2028, 2032 and 2036.

Without leap years, after a few hundred years, we would have summer in November. Christmas will be in the summer. It will not snow and there will be no Christmas feeling.

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