What can be donated to food banks?
According to Daily Bread's annual food bank report, one in 10 Torontonians will go to a food bank, which will double by 2022. With more than 2.5 million visits in 2023, this food bank has seen a 154% increase in its new customers.
Due to the large number of people, the managers of the food banks ask people to help these banks. According to them, even the smallest donation can help. Even if you can donate four cans because one can can save someone's life. They are asking people to donate canned fish and beans or even dry beans to make sure they haven't been opened or expired. People can even donate diapers, wet wipes and menstrual products to food banks so that it reaches the needy people.
These food banks need people's financial support. Some food banks that deal with different cultures even buy halal meat. Food banks have announced that they have gone from spending $1.5 million a year to $22 million a year to buy food.
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