Two meteor shower in late July will brighten the sky

Good news for those interested in the night sky! In late July, we will see one of the most beautiful celestial events of the year: the Delta Aquarium meteorite. This year, this will be the same as a smaller meteor named Alfa, which doubles the beauty of the night sky.

Delta South: Summer Rainfall
Peak: This year, the peak of this meteorrhea is happening early on Tuesday morning.
Precipitation: It is expected that in the dark and dark heaven, about 15 to 20 meteors per hour will be visible. Of course, this will be higher for observers of the Southern Hemisphere.
Duration: This meteor rain begins in late summer and runs until August 21.
Serious alpha
Along with the South Delta Aquarium meteor, a smaller meteoric rainfall called Alefa Serious will also be active. Although the number of meteors in this rainfall is lower, it can still add to the beauty of the night sky.

How to see meteorism?
Time: The best time to see meteorism is hours before sunrise.
Location: Go away from the light pollution of cities.
Patience: Take your eyes to the dark for a few minutes so you can see the meteors better.
Equipment: You don't need special equipment. A comfortable chair and a flat sky enough.
important points
Radical Rainfall: The remaining particles from the 96p/machholz comet cause the meteor to the South Delta.
Best Viewing Time: Late July and early August is the best time to see this meteor.
Southern Hemisphere: Observers of the Southern Hemisphere will have a better view of this meteor.

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