Trudeau announced tougher penalties for car thieves
The Liberal government will introduce tougher criminal penalties for people who steal vehicles, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday at the start of a day-long summit aimed at tackling car theft.
"We made a promise to Canadians to make our streets safer, and that includes cracking down on car theft," Trudeau said.
He added: "Current punishments for car theft are not deterrent enough. For this reason, we are considering increasing the maximum penalty for this crime."
Trudeau also said the Liberal government is looking at ways to make it harder for car thieves to get bail, as well as make it harder for them to get back on the street after a conviction.
This one-day meeting was held in Ottawa with the presence of ministers, police chiefs and judicial officials from across Canada. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ways to deal with car theft, which has increased in recent years in Canada.
An estimated 90,000 cars are stolen across Canada each year. This crime has high costs not only for its victims, but for society as a whole.
The Liberal government hopes to curb this crime by increasing penalties and tougher bail conditions for car thieves.
Some critics of this plan say that increasing the penalties is not an effective solution to deal with car theft. They believe that the government should focus on crime prevention rather than punishment.
It is not yet clear when the Liberal government will introduce a new bill to increase car theft penalties.
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