Toronto's "High Park" is about to catch fire
High Park will be on fire later this month, but those who go to this great Toronto park needn't worry, because this annual fire is completely intentional. The City of Toronto is holding its annual controlled fire for High Park This year's controlled fires will occur several weeks ahead of schedule thanks to a mild winter, he announced.
The fire is scheduled to occur in late March, although the municipality will choose the final date 24 to 48 hours before the fire, based on weather conditions. April occurs, which is used to protect rare black oak savannas.
Officers carefully ignite controlled fires in locations around the park, burning the surface, dry leaves, small branches and grass. These fires are not strong enough to damage larger trees such as oaks, which have larger trunks.
During the fire, vehicles will be prohibited from entering High Park, while pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use some areas of the park.
Indigenous peoples have a long history of using deliberate and traditional fires to manage ecosystems, including the black oak forests and savannahs of High Park.
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