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The union that represents thousands of TTC employees has announced that an agreement has not been reached with the transit agency and is counting down to a possible strike as early as next month.  On Tuesday, the Labor Department issued a notice to Local 113 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, meaning 11,500 TTC operators, collectors, maintenance workers, station attendants and other front-line employees could walk off the job starting June 7.

The last strike in TTC dates back to 2008. According to the head of this union, 8 thousand people have registered for this strike. "We will continue to negotiate, and we will continue to do so until we reach an agreement," TTC CEO Rick Leary said in a statement Tuesday. will continue to negotiate. Negotiations between the two sides have started since February. Leary warned in his statement that the strike will affect the provision of services.

Last week, Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow also expressed hope that the two sides would reach an agreement to avert a strike.

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