The wind knocked out power to tens of thousands of people across the Maritimes
Tens of thousands of people across the Maritimes were without power on Monday as the storm brought strong winds and rain to the region.
Wind warnings were in place for all three Maritime provinces, and New Brunswick was under a rainfall warning.
Winds with a speed of 80 to 100 kilometers per hour hit the area.
With this intensity of winds, they break the branches and in some cases they destroy the full trees. "We have seen places where there are several trees on the roads."
Down wires pose the greatest danger, so if you see a downed wire, whether it's a telephone wire or an electrical wire, please stay as far away as possible and call us and we'll send a crew out immediately. To pick up that wire and secure it.”
In St. John, N.B., the roof of an apartment building blew off in the late afternoon.
No injuries were immediately reported.
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