The LCBO store reopens on Tuesday

Disputes between LCBO management and the union appear to have been resolved, and LCBO stores are scheduled to reopen on Tuesday.

Their tentative agreement was reached Friday afternoon, two weeks after more than 9,000 LCBO workers went on strike.

However, just hours after the initial agreement was reached, the employee union announced that the strike would continue because the LCBO refused to sign a return-to-work protocol.

LCBO officials stated that after the agreement was reached, the union presented "new monetary demands" as part of the back-to-work protocol, but the union denied the claim.

Finally, the LCBO's statement on Saturday said that the back-to-work protocol signed by both parties does not include any "new monetary claims."

According to Canadian media, the LCBO released details of the deal, which includes an eight percent wage increase over three years, up from seven percent in the initial offer. Also, the status of 1,000 employees who are currently working part-time will be made permanent, and 60 full-time employees will be hired for warehouse work. Also, no stores will be closed during the agreement.

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