The death of a boy with Dravet syndrome in an Ontario school

The body of a 16-year-old boy with Dravet syndrome was found unconscious and alone at his school two weeks ago; Dravet syndrome is a rare type of epilepsy that causes seizures. Brenda Davis, whose son Lundin has Dravet syndrome, is searching for answers to the question of why her son was left alone in his school room.

Lundin is in the 10th grade at Trenton Public High School. She was found dead on May 14 in a private room known as the sensory room. All we know now is that Lundin was left unattended in a room for a while and her body was found by her teachers at the end of the day, Lundin's lawyer said. has been found. It is unclear how long he was left unattended.

His mother had told the school before the incident that Lundin could not be left alone, especially if he napped because he often had seizures in his sleep. The Autism Society of Ontario has repeatedly called for more funding for schools. The association believes that accidents that happen to children with disabilities are often due to a lack of funds.

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