Strawberry Moon: A special glow in the summer sky

At the beginning of summer, we will witness a special phenomenon in the sky known as the strawberry moon. This full moon begins tonight, coinciding with the summer solstice (the last day of spring and the first day of summer) and reaches its peak on Friday night, around 9 pm.

When you hear the name strawberry moon, you might imagine that you will see a red disc shaped like a strawberry in the sky, but that is not the case. The name of this month does not refer to its color or shape, but to the Native American tradition and the time of strawberry harvest in this season.

The true color of the Strawberry Moon will be gold and it will appear larger than usual due to its proximity to Earth. This magnitude is so great that it is also called the moon illusion.

To better understand how big this moon is, you can compare it to other objects in the sky and see how much of the sky it occupies.

This rare phenomenon, which will be visible on Friday night, will be visible across the province of Ontario, weather permitting.

A chance to watch a beautiful and bright moon in the summer sky!

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