Security robots are starting to join the ranks of human guards. Here's what we know

The news of the increasing use of security robots in various environments, including residential buildings and public places, is spreading rapidly. With capabilities such as 360-degree video surveillance, motion and object detection, and continuous patrolling, these robots are used as a complement to human security forces. While this emerging technology has many benefits, it has also raised concerns about privacy, job losses, and its impact on public safety.

Advantages of using security robots:

24-hour monitoring: Robots can continuously monitor the environment and report suspicious events.
High accuracy: robots can detect movements and changes in the environment with high accuracy and react to them quickly.
Cost reduction: In the long run, the use of robots can reduce manpower costs.
Increased safety: robots can perform surveillance operations in dangerous environments or difficult access for humans.
Challenges and concerns:

Privacy: Video and audio data collection by bots can raise concerns about people's privacy.
Job loss: Replacing human labor with robots can lead to job loss for many people.
Effectiveness: There is still insufficient data to prove the full effectiveness of bots in increasing security.
Dependence on technology: Robots are dependent on technology and in case of technical problems, the security system may be disrupted.
Social interactions: Robots are unable to communicate with humans and understand social complexities.
The future of security robots:

As technology advances, security robots are expected to play a more prominent role in security systems. These robots can be combined with artificial intelligence and increase their capabilities in the field of threat detection and decision making. However, for the widespread use of this technology, its ethical and social challenges must be carefully examined and the necessary regulations must be established to protect privacy and the rights of individuals.


Using security robots is a big step towards making security systems smarter. However, like any other technology, this technology has its pros and cons. For the optimal use of this technology, all its aspects, including its benefits, challenges and social effects, should be comprehensively addressed.

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