How to avoid the worst of jet lag and make the most of your travel time

Jet lag, that feeling of tiredness, confusion and lethargy that we experience after long trips to different time zones, can reduce the enjoyment of travel. But don't worry, with a little planning and following a few simple tips, you can minimize this problem.

What is jet lag?

Our body has an internal clock that naturally adjusts to the 24-hour cycle of light and dark. When we travel to another time zone, this internal clock gets thrown off and our body needs some time to adjust to the new time. This lack of coordination causes the symptoms of jet lag.

How to prevent jet lag?

Before the trip:
Flight timing: Try to choose flights that depart during the day so that you can sleep when you arrive at your destination.
Body preparation: a few days before the trip, try to adjust your sleep schedule according to the destination time.
Taking supplements: Some supplements, such as melatonin, can help reset the body's internal clock, but consult your doctor before taking.
During the flight:
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water helps to keep your body hydrated and improve its overall performance.
Light exercise: Light exercise during the flight can help improve blood circulation and reduce fatigue.
Comfortable sleep: Using a sleep mask and headphones can help you sleep better in the noisy environment of the plane.
After reaching the destination:
Reset internal clock:
Light therapy: try to be exposed to sunlight in the morning hours to adjust your body's internal clock to the new time.
Short naps: Short naps during the day can be helpful, but avoid long naps late in the day.
Physical activity: Doing light physical activity throughout the day can help you feel more alive.
Proper nutrition: eating light and healthy foods helps in better digestion and feeling more energetic. Avoid heavy and fatty foods.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol: consumption of these substances can affect the quality of your sleep.

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