Plastic gloves were found in the "Pizza Pizza" chain restaurant.

One of the customers at "Pizza Pizza" in Ontario has recently claimed to have found a plastic glove in their food. In a video that was circulated, a man is seen digging into the layers of his pizza and discovering a bright blue plastic material. This 31-second clip immediately sparked reactions from customers on social media, with some even vowing not to eat at chain restaurant pizzas anymore. It appears that over the past few months, customers in Ontario have found strange and unusual items in their food, ranging from worms and dead scorpions to metal screws in their food or food products. The person who claimed to have found a plastic glove in their pizza said they purchased their meal on Tuesday night from one of the "Pizza Pizza" branches in Aurora. They stated, "I contacted them yesterday, and they told me that one of their offices will get in touch with me. After the call, they offered me a refund."

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