Ottawa teacher suspended for 2 days after confining student in locker

An Ottawa teacher has been suspended for two days after locking an eighth-grade student in a closet for two minutes.

Almost three years after the incident, the student's family is still trying to get the teacher transferred to another school.

It happened at lunchtime on December 4, 2020 at the Franco-Ouest Catholic College in Bells Corners. The boy, who was 12 years old at the time, was joking with his friends and showing them that he could fit in his closet.

"It was a lot of fun," she said — until a teacher intervened. He said he asked her to go back into the closet.

"When a teacher tells you what to do, you do it," he said in a French interview with Radio-Canada.

According to the boy, the teacher closed the closet door and kept it closed. He said he tried to get out of it many times. He also said that the door hit him in the face, but he was not injured.

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