Opioid substances 25 times stronger than fentanyl were discovered in Quebec
A synthetic opioid 25 times stronger than fentanyl has been discovered in Quebec, according to Quebec public health officials. This dangerous compound comes in pale green pills that look like other prescription opioids. Quebec public health officials warned that the compound protonitazapine It carries the risk of overdose, which may require multiple doses of the life-saving drug naloxone.
The Canadian Ministry of Health first identified this substance in 2023. According to officials, the substance has been increasingly found in the Montreal area since the beginning of 2024.
Although no overdose cases have been reported in the Quebec region due to protonitazapine tablets, this substance is considered a very real threat.
Officials also announced that protonitazapine does not show up on test strips designed to detect fentanyl.
Quebec health officials have advised people who use drugs to avoid using drugs alone and to keep naloxone close at hand. This medicine is available for free in pharmacies.
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