Most Canadians support abortion rights

Eight in 10 Canadians support women's right to have an abortion, a new poll shows. Leger's poll was conducted in the days following the annual March for Life abortion protest that took place on Parliament Hill.

The poll found that 80 percent of Canadians surveyed support women's right to an abortion, including 63 percent who strongly agree, while 11 percent disagree. Women were more likely to support this right than men, as were Canadians over 55. Also, about half of Canadians believed that the abortion debate in the United States affects Canada.

At least 14 US states have outlawed abortion by 2022, which has led to the closure of clinics that provide the service.

US President Joe Biden, facing former President Donald Trump in the election later this year, has pledged to protect abortion rights if re-elected.

The poll found that one in three believe that conservatives have the least support for abortion rights, and liberals have the most support.

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