Many Canadians experience hearing loss and don't know it
Marta Pruss still remembers the moment when, at the age of 48, she used a hearing aid for the first time. At age 69, he lives in Montreal and works as one of Hear Quebec's peer educators in the field of hearing loss. Pruss looks back on his first experience with hearing aids with a certain trepidation: "I took them off and immediately went back to work. I was walking around the building and I said to myself, 'This is wrong.'"
This poignant biography of Prussia reminds us that hearing loss not only leads to isolation and loneliness, but can also lead to cognitive decline. On the other hand, experts state that timely diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss can prevent isolation and psychological problems.
In this context, the importance of maintaining social relationships for the hearing impaired has been expressed. Pruss has witnessed this and reasons that many people have lost friendships because others did not understand their hearing problems.
Finally, it is recommended that adults periodically check their hearing and use ear protection devices when exposed to loud noises. Also, use technologies to prevent hearing loss, such as earplugs and noise-cancelling headphones, and pay attention to maintaining their hearing health.
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