Light loans, an opportunity for people with low income or a trap to fall into debt?
According to a debt counselor, borrowing out of necessity due to low income encourages lenders to style the loan. Low-income people often need loans to pay for essential expenses such as food, housing and health care, the consultant said. However, soft loans, which usually come with high interest rates and tough terms, can worsen the financial situation of these people.
The consultant said that borrowers of light loans often have difficulty paying their loan installments. This can lead to debt accumulation and eventually bankruptcy.
"Borrowing out of necessity is a vicious cycle," he said. "People with low incomes need loans, but loans make their financial situation worse."
The consultant called for measures to support low-income people. He said that the government can help these people by providing financial aid and counseling services.
Some suggested solutions to deal with this problem are:
Increase the minimum wage
Providing financial assistance to low-income people
Facilitating access to loans with low interest rates
Financial education for people with low income
By adopting these solutions, you can avoid borrowing out of necessity and strengthen the lenders of the loan style.
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