A 5-year-old boy was killed by a vehicle while sledding
A five-year-old boy has died after being hit by a vehicle while sledding in Winkler, Man.
Police say the incident happened on Sunday around 1 p.m.
Emergency crews responded to a child who had been struck by a vehicle on a residential street on the south side of Winkler.
Police found a five-year-old boy lying unresponsive in the road as nearby residents resuscitated him.
Officers say their investigation shows the child was sliding down the snow hill and onto the street on a sled.
Police say the driver of a vehicle, who was visiting friends on the street, veered off the road and did not know the child had slid into the street.
As the driver was in reverse, he swerved his vehicle to exit the bay. The Winkler Police Department said in a statement that the driver stopped before moving forward and did not realize that the child was immediately in front of the bumper of his vehicle.
As the vehicle moved forward, it ran over the child.
Police say the driver stopped and stayed at the scene.
The boy was taken by paramedics to Bundery Trails Health Center, where he died.
The police investigation is ongoing. No charges have been filed.
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