"Grimpeace's protest in front of the Canadian opposition leader's residence; Two people were arrested.
Two people were arrested during a protest in front of the official residence of the Canadian opposition leader in Ottawa.
The activist group Grimpeace Canada announced that a group of activists on Thursday placed a model oil pump jack in the driveway of the Stornoway residence (the official residence of Canada's opposition leader) to draw attention to "how the anti-climate agenda "Pierre Poileau supports the polluters and ignores the people."
The oil pumpjack was painted with charcoal from the 2021 wildfires in Layton, British Columbia, to symbolize the "costs of climate change inaction."
According to Ottawa police, about 12 people gathered on Acacia Street at 7:15 a.m. and staged an "unlawful protest."
This group blocked access to the residence with a structure and some of them had chained to this structure and prevented the family from passing through.
The police said: "After learning about the occurrence of a crime, four of the protesters separated from the structure, but two of them ignored the orders to leave the structure and were arrested."
A video posted on Grimpeace Canada's Instagram page shows people standing next to a mock-up of an oil pump jack and a sign that reads "Poilyou: Supporting the polluters, betraying the people!" have in hand
Police said the charges are under investigation.
Pierre Poileau and his family live in Stornoway.
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