Christian Wang Tam, a member of the provincial parliament, removed the fences around the Ontario Science Centre

As opposition parties called on the Ontario government to reverse its decision to close the Ontario Science Centre, New Democrat Toronto MP Christian Wong Tam stepped in.

Enough of the news conferences that were held at Don Mills, Wang Tom and some others started removing the fences around the Science Center.

"We're going to work with people to show Prime Minister Doug Ford that he can't do this," New Democratic Party leader Mariette Stiles said Thursday, indicating they would continue to pressure the government to reverse the decision. , to show him that he cannot eliminate these high-skilled and good jobs. And that the kids need the centre. Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie has promised to hire a special inspector if elected into some of the Ford government's controversial actions, including the Science Centre's closure.

According to a report, this more than 50-year-old building is at risk of roof panel collapse due to winter snow load. However, several politicians and community groups have asked the government to repair the roof of the Science Center instead of closing it. The province is currently looking for a temporary location for the center while its new building is constructed in Ontario Police.

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