Why are some Canadians delaying having children?
Some Canadians feel stuck between bad and worse when it comes to starting a family, while others worry about what the future holds for their child.
Canadians were asked to explain why they were putting off having children, and naturally many cited the high cost of living and the fear of not being able to provide for their future children.
According to a survey, affordable housing is of high importance to most Canadians. The average rent for a one-bedroom unit in Canada reached $1,918 in June, an increase of about 7.7% from 2023, while the price of a two-bedroom unit was just over $2,300.
Many people cited financial concerns as the main reason for late childbearing, while others were more concerned about their children's future and the sacrifices they would have to make to start a family.
Some also believe that starting a family means they won't achieve their financial goals and retirement dreams.
Others also mentioned the climate crisis, and as extreme weather events, resource shortages, and declining air quality are getting worse every day, they don't feel good about giving birth to their children in these conditions because they believe that the quality of their children's lives in the future is very uncertain and they cannot guarantee that their children will have a better life than themselves in the future.
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