New Ontario laws and regulations come into effect on New Year's Day

New laws and regulatory changes in Ontario are set to go into effect on January 1, 2024, including rules on child entry and exit from daycare and fines for inappropriate access to doctors' personal information.

In light of these changes, starting January 1, 2024, the province will require childcare providers to include a policy setting steps to closely monitor when a child does not arrive or is not delivered as expected.

These changes are being made to prevent the rare but horrific deaths of children who are inadvertently left in hot cars. Safety systems exist in schools, but in childcare centers where children are younger and vulnerable, these systems do not exist.

Also, other changes that take effect Monday will allow Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner to fine individuals or organizations that automatically access or share personal health information.

Other changes are coming to the towing industry, including new rights for customers. These rights will include the right to request for the towing of the vehicle, the location of the vehicle to be towed, access to the vehicle after accidents and rights related to invoices and payments.

Also, the province obtains the tow truck licensing system from the municipalities and obtains certificates from all tow truck operators and car storage companies.

Ontario is also adding live species to the list in the new years, including killer shrimp, most crabs and plants such as tree of paradise.

Also, the province is currently updating the Occupational Safety and Health Act to increase the safety of crane operators on construction sites. The two new laws that are being implemented will help ensure that cranes are properly installed and regularly inspected and maintained.

Also, Ontario extends alcohol purchase laws across provincial borders. By January 1, 2026, consumers will be allowed to buy alcohol directly from businesses in other provinces.

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