Warm summer forecast across Canada, especially in the east

Environment Canada is predicting a warmer than normal summer for the entire country. At the same time, it has predicted that the temperature increase is more likely for eastern Manitoba. Meteorologist Jennifer Smith says: "There is a possibility of higher than normal temperature for the summer season. Above normal temperatures are predicted for the Prairies, but not as likely as in the east."

The agency said on Tuesday that there is a 100 percent chance of a warm summer anywhere east of the Ontario-Manitoba border, but a 50 percent chance of heat in Alberta. Coastal British Columbia and the Yukon are the only parts of Canada where normal temperatures for They are predicted.

According to experts, high temperatures affect wildfires. The heat dries out the soil and melts the mountain snows prematurely. Because of this, there is an increased risk of wildfires in central Canada in late summer.

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