"With Holocaust education becoming mandatory in some provinces, activists are clamoring for it to be expanded nationwide.
Marilou Sinclair expresses feeling "very positive" about the new requirements. Sinclair, the founder of the Holocaust Education Liberation 75 organization, responds to over 8,000 requests from sixth-grade teachers across the province. The book, narrated from a child's perspective, retells the true story of Saint Louis. The organization's free books also come with an educational resource package, information about a series of future speakers, and links to an online "Book Club" where educators can exchange teaching strategies.
Sinclair said, "[This package] is our way of saying, don't be afraid, we're here. We provide you with the resources you need." "Teachers have a lot on their curriculum. We want to make it as easy and enjoyable as possible for them." She emphasizes that the books and educational materials are age-appropriate.
She said, "We're not talking about gas chambers. We're not talking about the mass murder. Instead, they introduce the idea to students of what it means to be different, to be separated from parents in some cases, to be mistreated by others, and in other cases, what it means for people to stand up for you."
Sinclair is part of a dedicated group consisting of educators, school officials, and cultural organizations across the country that has been pressing provincial governments for years to obtain information about the Holocaust - the systematic mass murder of six million Jews in Europe during World War II - a mandatory part of Canadian students' education.
As Ontario and British Columbia move toward incorporating Holocaust lessons into their school curricula, these advocates are now eager to begin the implementation process. Meanwhile, in other parts of Canada, those hoping to follow suit say they are still waiting for similar commitments from their provincial governments.
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