Why are fatal and invasive Strep A infections increasing in Canada and beyond?
Why are fatal and invasive Strep A infections increasing in Canada and beyond?
Streptococcus A infections are a group of common bacteria that can cause a wide range of illnesses, from sore throats to pneumonia. In rare cases, these infections can spread aggressively and cause serious illness and even death.
In recent years, the prevalence of invasive streptococcal A infections has increased in Canada and other parts of the world. This increase in prevalence is worrisome, as these infections can be very dangerous.
Reasons for increasing prevalence of invasive streptococcal A infections
Researchers still do not fully understand why the prevalence of invasive strep A infections is increasing. However, there are several possible factors that may contribute to this increase, including:
Less use of antibiotics: Less use of antibiotics can cause Streptococcus A bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. This could mean that strep A infections are harder to treat and more likely to spread aggressively.
Changes in Population: The world's population is aging. Older adults are at greater risk of invasive strep A infections.
Environmental conditions: Changes in climate may affect the growth of Streptococcus A bacteria.
Symptoms of invasive streptococcal A infections
Symptoms of invasive strep A infections can vary, but usually include:
High fever
Nausea and vomiting
stomach ache
Muscular pain
In severe cases, invasive strep A infections can cause serious complications, including:
Blood infection
Toxic shock syndrome
Necrotic fascism
Treatment of invasive streptococcal A infections
Strong antibiotics are usually used to treat invasive streptococcal A infections. In some cases, you may need to be hospitalized to receive IV fluids and medications.
Prevention of invasive streptococcal A infections
The best way to prevent invasive Strep A infections is vaccination. The pneumococcal vaccine, which prevents pneumonia infections, can also help protect against invasive strep A infections.
It's also important to see your doctor if you have a sore throat or other symptoms of a strep A infection. Prompt treatment of streptococcal A infections can help prevent the infection from spreading and causing serious complications.
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