Teachers' union rejects government's latest offer
The union representing about 95,000 teachers has rejected the Quebec government's latest offer.
The World Federation of Large Trade Unions (FSE-CSQ) wrote on Facebook: "Despite the government's high profile in the media, their new 'official' offer represents a step backwards in negotiations from the weekend talks."
"Disappointed? Yes. Discouraged? No," President Jose Scalabrini said in a video attached to the post. We have rolled up our sleeves, we are still going, we still have time. What we want is a negotiation in good faith and that is what we will work on until the finish line.
It comes after the Quebec government announced Tuesday that it has made a new offer to unions.
Teachers, who work mainly in the French school network, have been on strike since November 23.
The Fédération Autonome de l'Enseignement (FAE), which represents 66,000 primary and secondary teachers, has yet to respond to the government's offer.
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