Man dies after falling into sink hole at Fernie Alpine Resort
A man died after falling into a sinkhole at Ferney Alpine Resort on Wednesday. This incident happened near the Polar Peak lift.
An investigation is underway by RCMP in Elk Valley after reports of a sudden death were received at a ski resort. Officers responded to the scene and found a man being taken to hospital by BC Ambulance.
Police said the man apparently fell into a "natural ground trap" located near the Polar Peak lift and under one of the lift towers.
Officials said there was a warning sign near the hole, but unfortunately the 67-year-old man failed to see it and fell into the hole.
Another skier in the area saw the man's boots sticking out of the ground and tried to help him.
Police said poor visibility at the time caused the man to fall into a ground trap they described as about 20 feet by 20 feet wide and filled with "soft, untouched snow."
BC Police Sergeant Bret Orano said the soft snow had a deadly effect.
"When you get into a trap like this with soft snow, it's almost like a bog because the snow is so light, soft, which is ideal for skiing, but when you get into that situation, it's hard. Get yourself out.
"And you just go deeper and deeper into the snow, and that can lead to oxygen deprivation, because the snow effectively acts as a suffocation device."
Many efforts were made by the track patrol team and BC Ambulance to keep the man alive, but after several hours in hospital, he was taken off life support and pronounced dead, police said.
An RCMP spokesperson said the man was from Ontario.
Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, which owns Ferney Alpine Resort, said in a statement: "At this time, we extend our deepest thoughts to his family and friends.
"Our thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by this very difficult time and we again offer our heartfelt condolences to the families, friends and people in this community who have been affected."
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