Searching for a lost kangaroo in Ontario
This weekend, the search continued for a missing kangaroo in Ontario. A park supervisor at the Oshawa Zoo confirmed that the animal was seen Friday night but could not be caught. The wild animal was first spotted in Oshawa early Friday morning by Tim Chelsea, a local pet group.
Durham Regional Police said officers attended the scene but were unable to locate the kangaroo. Officials advised people to avoid contact with the animal and if they see it, do not approach it.
A driver taking two kangaroos to Quebec on Thursday stopped at the Oshawa Zoo to let the kangaroos walk and rest, police said. But at the same time, one of them escapes.
The park supervisor at the Oshawa Zoo called the drop in temperature one of the causes of concern for this kangaroo. He said, kangaroos can withstand temperatures as low as minus 10 degrees, but below this temperature is very dangerous for them.
If you see the animal, call the Oshawa Zoo or police immediately, he added.
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