Recall of "Meta" enoki mushroom due to possible contamination with Listeria bacteria

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency announced the recall of enoki mushrooms of the "Meta" brand due to possible contamination with Listeria bacteria. Although this recall has been applied in Ontario, it may be extended to other provinces and territories.

If you have recalled mushrooms, it is recommended that you throw them away or return them to where you purchased them.

Food contaminated with Listeria bacteria may not look or smell bad, but it can still make people sick.

No disease associated with this fungus has been reported. The desired mushrooms are available in 200 gram packages and the UPC number is 6 957937 482116.

The symptoms of listeria are vomiting, nausea, fever, muscle pain, severe headache and stiff neck.

People with weak immune systems, the elderly and pregnant women are at greater risk. This bacteria can be fatal in serious cases.

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