Putting rat poison in peanut butter and putting it in a Toronto park
Two dogs in a Toronto park came across a jar of peanut butter and ate what one dog owner said appeared to be rat poison.
"It appeared to be a malicious act to harm the animals," Mark Rollo said.
Rollo was walking his dog Milo and his neighbor's dog Piper at Taylor Creek Park in East York on Friday around 9 a.m. when Piper returned with a jar of peanut butter. He pushed the dog away from the dish but then realized that Milo had also eaten it.
An image released by police on Saturday shows a rectangular, black object in peanut butter. Toronto police described it as an unknown possibly dangerous substance that could be fatal or harmful if ingested.
Rollo immediately left the park with peanut butter in hand. He took Milo to his vet and showed him peanut butter. After examining it, the vet said it looked like three different types of rat poison had been mixed in the jar.
The vet decided to take a blood test from the dogs to determine the effect of this substance on the dogs.
Toronto police announced that they are asking for the public's help in identifying the suspect responsible for placing this unknown substance and asked them to report it to the police if they have any information.
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