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After reporting 67 cases of monkey pox from January 1 to June 15, the Ontario Health Authority announced an increase in Mpox virus cases in the province.

According to the organization, there were only 33 confirmed cases of the infectious disease last year.

Public Health Canada says more than 95 percent of recent cases in Ontario have been among gay and bisexual men.

According to reports, two doses of Mpox vaccine can reduce the risk of infection by 83%.

The initial symptoms of monkeypox are the appearance of a skin rash including small, hard, dome-shaped bumps on the skin. This virus is highly contagious and spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or touching infected objects.

Pimples of this virus are mostly found on the face, neck, armpits, arms and hands of children. In adults, it may also appear in the genital area. In many cases, the disease resolves on its own without treatment, usually within 6 to 12 months.

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