Environment Canada: The extreme heat continues in Ontario and Quebec on Wednesday
It is expected that the central and southern regions of Ontario and many regions of western Quebec will experience this burning heat for another day. reach 35 degrees Celsius and feel up to 40 degrees due to humidity. While the weather is expected to cool down a bit during the night.
The warning states: "This heat wave will continue until Friday or Saturday, and extremely hot and humid conditions are expected for these areas."
A special air quality warning statement was issued for Toronto and metropolitan Toronto on Tuesday, hours after severe thunderstorms and heavy rain hit the city.
In its statement, this organization announced that hot and humid weather can worsen air quality and raise the health index of air quality to the dangerous category.
It is also noted that this air can cause problems for the elderly, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities. In this regard, it is emphasized that never Do not leave people, especially children or pets, inside a parked car.
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