Vancouver College has become the first school in British Columbia to sign a pact to ban non-disclosure agreements in abuse cases.
Vancouver College announced Thursday that it has signed an agreement to ban the use of non-disclosure agreements in cases of sexual, physical or psychological abuse in educational settings. This charter was developed by a group of advocacy organizations for victims of abuse in British Columbia.
Vancouver College said the agreement is "an important step toward creating a safer and more supportive environment for students and staff."
Non-disclosure agreements are agreements that require individuals to keep certain information confidential. These agreements are often used in workplace abuse cases to prevent victims from disclosing abuse.
Critics say non-disclosure agreements prevent victims from receiving justice and allow abusers to go unpunished.
Vancouver College's commitment to ban non-disclosure agreements in abuse cases is a victory for abuse victim advocacy organizations. This pledge demonstrates Vancouver College's commitment to supporting victims and creating a safer environment for all.
Vancouver College is not the first school in British Columbia to sign a pact to ban non-disclosure agreements in abuse cases. Universities of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and University of Calgary have also joined this agreement.
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