RCMP relaxes cannabis rules for some officers, moves to 'fit for duty' standard

The Royal Canadian Guard rules about Maria Joana for some of its officers and goes to "fit for duty".

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) rules on the use of marijuana by its officers. Starting July 15, 2024, the agency will use a "fit for duty" standard instead of banning the use of marijuana outright.

Currently, RCMP officers are prohibited from using marijuana, even on duty. This law was passed in 2018, when Canada legalized Maria for recreational use.

Under the new standard, RCMP officers can use marijuana, but only when it's "fit for duty." This means they must refrain from using marijuana 24 hours before reporting to work.

The RCMP says the change is being made because "Marijuan is a legal substance in Canada and we want to make sure our officers can use it when necessary."

The change runs counter to criticism from some RCMP officials. They say this could increase safety risks for officers and the public.

However, RCMP say the change is consistent with scientific research conducted on Mario Juana. This research shows that short-term marijuana does not help people perform important tasks.

RCMP say officers who use marijuana should discuss the matter with their supervisor.

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