Free colonoscopies and million dollar paydays: How countries rewarded their Olympic champions

Olympic athletes, after years of hard training and dedication, stand on the podium and receive medals in honor of themselves and their country. But did you know that many of these heroes receive huge rewards in addition to honor and medals?

Millions in cash rewards and incredible giveaways

At the Paris Olympics, more than 40 countries gave cash and non-cash rewards to their medal-winning athletes. Some of these rewards are so attractive that they make any athlete dream.

Hong Kong: Besides the honor, the Hong Kong fencers who won the gold medal also received a whopping amount of 1 million Canadian dollars. The bronze medalists were not left empty-handed and were rewarded with a significant amount. Also, all medalists received free train tickets for life.
Saudi Arabia: This country rewards every athlete who wins an Olympic gold medal with a huge amount of 1.8 million Canadian dollars.
Philippines: Philippine gymnast Carlos Yolo, who won two gold medals, received gifts including a car, apartment, free ramen and even a colonoscopy for life in addition to a multi-million dollar cash prize!
South Korea: In addition to the cash prize, Korean gold medalists are exempt from military service, which is highly prized in the country.
Other countries: Countries like Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Romania also give their athletes various rewards, including cars, apartments, land, and even paintings.
Why do some countries reward their athletes more?

There are several reasons for this generosity:

Encouraging sportsmanship and national spirit: Huge rewards encourage athletes to train harder and achieve more honors. Also, these rewards increase national morale and create a sense of pride in people.
Reimbursement of expenses: Many athletes incur a lot of expenses to reach the championship level. Financial rewards help them offset these costs.
Attention to athletes: Big bonuses draw public attention to athletes and help them become household names.
Is it right to reward athletes?

This question is the subject of many discussions. Some believe that athletes should compete purely for the love of their sport and the honor of their country and not for financial rewards. On the other hand, some others believe that financial rewards increase the motivation of athletes and help develop sports in the country.


Rewarding Olympic athletes is a way many countries use to acknowledge their efforts and achievements. These rewards not only motivate the athletes but also help promote the sport at the national level. However, it is important to maintain a balance between financial rewards and sporting values.

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