Dengue fever increase in Europe; Canadian travelers beware
Dengue fever is on the rise in parts of Europe, and experts are linking the outbreak to an invasive species of mosquito. But with travelers heading to Europe for the summer, scientists and medical experts say the risk is low, but There are steps you can take to stay safe.
Several countries have reported significant increases in the number of dengue cases. The center cited the Aedes albopictus mosquito, also known as the Asian tiger, as seen in at least 13 European countries, including Greece and France.
Dengue is transmitted by the bite of a female mosquito and can cause flu-like symptoms, according to the Canadian government. According to experts, this disease is accompanied by fever, fatigue, pain and rashes and in rare cases it can be fatal.
According to reports, those who have contracted dengue in Europe have had mild symptoms and no deaths have been reported. As summer begins, many travelers, including Canadians, seek to leave the country and travel to sunny destinations. are.
If you're heading to southern Europe this summer, you should know that the risk of contracting dengue fever for tourists is reported to be "very low". use. You can also use camping gear or insect repellents such as DEET.
Dengue fever has also been observed in Canada, and according to the Public Health Organization of Canada, this disease is an imported disease and does not exist locally, and between 200 and 300 cases of this disease are reported annually.
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