Montreal weather forecast on Halloween night
"It may be necessary for the people of Montreal to add an umbrella to their Halloween costumes this year. A jet stream is approaching Montreal, on its way to the southern regions of Quebec, including Montreal. This air mass may save Montreal's weather from the grip of early snowfall in northern parts of the province. However, despite the absence of snow, there is a chance of definite rain.
A jet stream is an atmospheric air current that acts as a boundary between different air masses. The current position of this jet stream is such that while cold and snow move away from the northern regions of the province, the southern region experiences different weather conditions. By the end of this weekend, changes in the weather pattern are expected. While the possibility of cold weather remains, a warmer air mass is making its presence felt due to the path of the jet stream in the southern regions of Quebec, somewhat giving Montreal a taste of summer. Meteorologists warn that the intrusion of warm air may prevent snow but won't stop the chances of rain in the area.
The precise forecast from Environment Canada confirms the likelihood of rain. The weekend is expected to start with sunny skies and a maximum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius on Saturday. However, from Monday onwards, clouds will gather, providing the conditions for rain, which will continue through Halloween night. The air temperature on Monday and Tuesday will drop to around 7 and 8 degrees Celsius, respectively.
On Halloween night, while children and some adults don spooky costumes, it's important to think creatively about staying dry. It's predicted that on the night of October 31st, cloud masses will lead to a drop in temperature to around -1 degree Celsius, with the daytime forecast being a mix of sun and clouds with a maximum of 6 degrees Celsius expected.
Cities like Montreal, Montreux, and Estrie are unlikely to experience their first seasonal snowfall until November. While the absence of snow in Montreal's weather forecast might be pleasing to some, cold rain can present its unique challenges. Montrealers are advised to prepare for rainy conditions, stay safe and warm, ensuring that the only chill they feel on this Halloween is a result of goosebumps from the thrill and not a different weather edit."
Please note that the text has been translated from Persian, and some idiomatic or cultural nuances may not be fully preserved in the translation.
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