A giant whale came out of the water on the coast of New Hampshire yesterday and hit a fishing boat and overturned it.
Details of the accident:
The incident occurred near Portsmouth.
There were two brothers in the boat, one of whom was thrown into the water when the boat was overturned, but both were miraculously rescued.
A video of the incident has been posted on social media in which the whale is clearly visible to boat and overturned.
Experts believe the whale was probably a whale.
The risks of dealing with the whale:
Dealing with whales can be very dangerous, as these giant animals can easily overthrow small boats or cause serious damage to them.
In recent years, the number of human beings with whales has increased on various coasts of the world, which is attributed to various factors, including climate change and increased human activity in the seas.
Preventive measures:
Fishermen and other people who travel in the seas should be careful about whales and avoid approaching them if they see them.
Also, relevant organizations should take the necessary steps to inform people and educate them on how to deal with whales.
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