Apple's Vision Pro launched in Canada at a price of $5,000
Canadians can now get their hands on some of Apple's coolest tech, but it's not yet available everywhere in Canada.
The Vision Pro device, Apple's augmented reality headset, will be available on Friday at all Apple Stores in Canada, France, Germany and the UK.
This headset, which has a starting price of $5,000 in Canada, is suitable for people who want to have comprehensive experiences in the digital world, from browsing photos to participating in meetings, watching movies, playing games, and more.
According to experts, when the Vision Pro device was first announced in June of last year, Apple was expected to sell between half a million and one million of the device, and now it seems that number is closer to half a million.
Its price is about 5 thousand dollars. For the price of one Vision Pro, you can buy three MacBook Airs, and this makes people hesitate to buy it.
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