Untreated water now available for residents, businesses at 6 Calgary locations as distribution gets off to a rocky start

Problems in the distribution of untreated water on the first day

As the city of Calgary struggles to deal with a broken water main that has caused water shortages, the distribution of untreated water ran into problems on the first day.

What went wrong:

Water truck delays: Residents at the two primary water distribution locations, Baker Park Boat Launch and Ogden Boat Launch, had to wait because water trucks were late arriving.
Lack of communication: Some residents at the Ogden Boat Launch reported that municipal staff were initially unaware that residents were allowed to receive water.
Safety restrictions: Due to safety issues, residents were not allowed to draw water directly from the river and could only get water from water trucks or containers filled by municipal workers.
Actions taken:

Increased distribution sites: Four more untreated water distribution sites have been added to the initial sites to increase access to residents.
Updated information: City officials are updating their website and answering frequently asked questions to provide residents with more information about water distribution.
Key tips for residents:

Water Distribution Locations: Visit the city's website to find the nearest water distribution location.
Prepare your own container: To receive water, you must prepare your own container.
Volume Limits: Each resident can receive a maximum of 25 gallons (100 liters) of water per day.
Safety: Avoid drinking or cooking with untreated water due to potential health hazards.
current situation:

Repair efforts continue: Work continues on five hot spots in the main water pipeline and the goal is to complete repairs by July 5, the first day of the annual Calgary Stampede.
Water use is down: City officials are thanking residents for conserving water during the shortage, saying water use on Saturday was at its lowest level in three days.
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